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Spoorthy is committed to providing the best career opportunities to each of its trainees and strives to create meaningful alliances with corporations. Needless to say, the success rate for Spoorthy trainees is over 95%.

The main aim of Spoorthy placement cell is to generate maximum job placements for students according to their caliber, dedication, and aptitude. This cell conducts frequent training, workshops, individual meetings, and visits. Presentations are prepared to make each student well equipped with real industrial work and process.

Eligibility Criteria

Adequate attendance
In no circumstances, it would mean that those students, who fail to attend the minimum required 75% classes
consistent performance
Success is a result of maintaining consistent performance. Frequently diagnosing management and operation problems.
Certificates describe a wide variety of academic qualifications. There is big differences between lenght, scope, accreditation and acceptance of certificates.
Academic Qualification
Qualifications are grouped together into different levels. Each level corresponds to a particular qualification’s degree of difficulty.

Our Students Placed in

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Spoorthy Software Solutions believes in providing the quality training, consultation, staffing service to its clients.

With to impart new energy in the IT training by endowing first rate and industry oriented courses to churn out the next generation IT experts.

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